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Promoting high quality sustainable European geosynthetic products

Mission and vision

The European Association of Geosynthetic product Manufacturers (EAGM) is established with the goal to promote the knowledge and the usage of European synthetic products and to underline the sustainable benefits when applying these products.


EAGM believes in establishing free circulation of geosynthetic products within the European Community, in a market where products have to comply with the same criteria and standards in each individual country. EAGM promotes and maintains a high level of quality for geosynthetic prodcuts, to be subject to equal and objective parameters, assuring customers that products from EAGM members are of a proven high level of quality.


EAGM strives for a full acceptance of geosynthetic products and solutions as equal or better than ''conservative'' building methods.

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© 2019 EAGM

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Association under the provisions of the French law of 1 July, 1901. European Association of Geosynthetic product Manufacturers (EAGM), 25, rue Alfred Werner, 68059 MULHOUSE, cedex, France.

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