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The board


Katja Gross  - Dupont de Nemours (Luxembourg) s.a.r.l.

Vice President

Jean Pascal Mermet  - TenCate Geosynthetics Europe 


Henning Ehrenberg  - NAUE GmbH & Co. KG


Orwig Speltdoorn - Sioen (Manifattura Fontana SpA)

Mikael Moeller - Fibertex A/S

Karl Wohlfahrt – Tensar

Board information

Name board member:


Position in board:

Katja Gross

DuPont de Nemours (Luxembourg) s.a.r.l.


Replacing traditional construction materials by Geosynthetics is the right thing to do. Both, for the environment as well as from a cost point of view. To ensure that the use of Geosynthetics becomes the standard in the industry is the objective of the EAGM. This is what we as EAGM and the board are striving for. 

  • LinkedIn - Katja Gross

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Position in board:

Jean-Pascal Mermet

TenCate Geosynthetics Europe

Vice President

The use of geosynthetics show significant success in the reduction of carbon footprints in construction. On top of this, geosynthetic solutions have proven to be a cost effective replacement of ''conservative'' solutions. This is a message which we, as EAGM, want to spread.

  • LinkedIn - Jean Pascal Mermet
  • LinkedIn - Henning Ehrenberg

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Position in board:

Henning Ehrenberg

NAUE GmbH & Co. KG


Geosynthetics are an excellent alternative to classic construction materials. With geosynthetics it is possible to safe CO2 emissions and other Environmental impacts as well as construction costs. Geosynthetics are:

E = Ecological & Economical

A = Alternative solutions

G = Geotechnical engineering

M = Made to Last

  • LinkedIn - Francesco Fontana

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Position in board:

Francesco Fontana

Manifattura Fontana SpA


When the industry speaks with a single voice, all the other stakeholders must hear and take it into account. Some actions and statements are much more efficient when coming from an association and make at the same time the interest of the consumers, promoting fair competition and transparent information on the market.

  • LinkedIn - Mikael Moeller

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Position in board:

Mikael Moeller

Fibertex Nonwovens A/S


For Fibertex Nonwovens EAGM is the central organization for the worldwide promotion of products and applications from leading European manufacturers.


Our vision is that EAGM be the preferred source for reliable inspiration, information, innovations and key players related to advantages of geotextile use, while respecting human health, environment and sustainability.

  • LinkedIn - Karl Wohlfahrt

Name board member:


Position in board:

Karl Wohlfahrt



Adopting proven, innovative technology is an easy way to raise the standards of our infrastructure while being more efficient with our budgets and time. The significant benefits offered by geosynthetics should motivate even the most complacent to seek out new solutions. This is what EAGM stands for.


© 2019 EAGM

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Association under the provisions of the French law of 1 July, 1901. European Association of Geosynthetic product Manufacturers (EAGM), 25, rue Alfred Werner, 68059 MULHOUSE, cedex, France.

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