Betoatlas process
Location of work/project:
The aim of the project was to buil a wall with a small surface between the motorway and the road. To reinforce this kind of wall, reinforced geotextile are a functional and an easy solution to put in place.
The difficulty on this building site was the lack of surface between the motorway and the road, so that the supporting must be almost vertical to bear the heavy loads from the motorway. The Betoatlas reinforced wall process has been then chosen to realize this difficult project.
Thanks to a special patented system, the concrete blocks Betoatlas can encase themsleves without mortar. The Betoatlas blocks are hollow, and despite its rock aspect, they can be used to make plantations. It can provide interesting solutions for architecs.
Between the concrete block lines, we insert a geotextile layer in order to maintain potential circular ruptures. The effort is generated by friction between the soil and the geotextile, and it’s supported by the traction capacity of geotextiles.
Specifications of the project :
Embankment :
Height 5.2m
Inclined at 25°
Backfilling materials :
Draining materials
Friction angle = 26°
Density = 18kN/m3
Traffic = 25kPa
Wall : Betoatlas® (Betoconcept®)
Reinforcement geotextile Notex® GX 150/50 (150 kN/m MD and 50 kN/m CD), spaced of 0.6m and length = 1.95m