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DuPont™ Typar® SF chosen and installed under the basement of the new maintenance hangar and the office building to separate the sandstone layer from the aggregate layer

Location of work/project:



Luxembourg – Luxembourg Airport – New Cargolux Airlines Maintenance Hangar

DuPont de Nemours (Luxembourg) S.àr.l.

With the use of the Typar® SF geotextile it was possible to decrease the amount of needed cubic meter of aggregate. Typar® SF helped to perceptible reduce the costs for aggregates, their transport, installation and the impact on the environment. In addition to its excellent separation and filtration performance, the high energy absorption potential of DuPont™ Typar® SF geotextile provided the required resistance during the installation process.

Thanks to its high initial modulus, DuPont™ Typar® SF will stabilize the hangar basement and reduce significantly rut formation even when exposed to regular heavy planes traffic.

Cargolux is the largest European all-cargo airline. This new maintenance hangar located in the immediate vicinity of Luxembourg airport provides Cargolux with the necessary high-tech tools and environment to maintain its growing modern fleet. The building, which is 200 meters wide, 90 meters deep and 42 meters high, offers room for two B747-size wide-bodied aircrafts and includes space for all necessary workshops. Next to it, a separate building houses energy facilities and a canteen.

DuPont-Cargolux-Luxembourg Airport-hanga

The heavy loads related to the planes traffic required a strong and stabilized basement of the platform. More than 150,000 m³ of aggregates were moved during the earthwork. The  sandstone-made sub-grade used for leveling and covering the natural subsoil could be up to 2m high. The 30cm high base course was made of high furnace slag. The separation between slag and sandstone was crucial to stabilize the complete structure. Even more crucial was the resistance to damage during installation as heavy construction equipment was required for moving the materials.


In addition to its excellent separation and filtration performance, the high energy absorption potential of DuPont™ Typar® SF geotextile provided the required resistance during the installation process. Thanks to its high initial modulus, DuPont™ Typar® SF stabilized the hangar basement and reduced significantly rut formation even when exposed to regular heavy planes traffic.

The long-term durability of DuPont™ Typar® SF geotextiles ensures the product performs as expected during the entire service life of this equipment.


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Association under the provisions of the French law of 1 July, 1901. European Association of Geosynthetic product Manufacturers (EAGM), 25, rue Alfred Werner, 68059 MULHOUSE, cedex, France.

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