During the November 2019 meeting of the EAGM, a new Board was elected, effective January 1, 2020.
With this change, we are pleased to announce that Katja Gross is now President of the EAGM, and Jean-Pascal Mermet Vice-President. Katja is the first woman to lead the Association.
Constitution of the Board of the EAGM as of January 2020:
President: Katja Gross - DuPont de Nemours (Luxembourg) s.à r.l.
Vice Presiden: Jean Pascal Mermet - TenCate Geosynthetics Europe
Treasurer: Henning Ehrenberg - NAUE GmbH & Co. KG
Francesco Fontana - Manifattura Fontana SpA
Mikael Møller Fibertex A/S
Karl Wohlfahrt – Tensar